"Alexis Goodlooking and the Case of the Missing Whisky" is the tenth episode of the sixth season of the American television comedy series 30 Rock, and the 113th overall episode of the series. It was directed by Michael Slovis, and written by John Riggi. The episode originally aired on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) network in the United States on March 1, 2012.
In the episode, Liz (Tina Fey) helps Frank (Judah Friedlander) hide his relationship with Lynn (Susan Sarandon) from his mother (Patti LuPone) by pretending to be his girlfriend; Jack (Alec Baldwin) advises Kenneth (Jack McBrayer) to destroy a potential rival in his new job; and Jenna (Jane Krakowski) uses skills from an old role to solve the mystery of who took Pete's (Scott Adsit) whisky